
Joesapes Nft Collection$ for everyone

Joesapes (Japes) is a collection of 99 Ethereum-based non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that launched in 2022. These Ape NFT caricatures feature various facial expressions, clothes, and unique elements.

AUCTION ENDS ON 22-12-2022

About us

What is Joesapes?

Tired to be bored , be proud. Welcome to Japantown the new virtual city. City of dreams where no one has time to be bored, where everyone has his own home, job and things to do. City where you are the one of the choosen 100 cityzens , that are the part of new era of making NFTS as a real life persons. Choose your avatar today on joesapes.com and invest in your future by multiplaying your investmen by the openning the doors of the city, the doors of Japetown

Unique, 1/1 generated

These arts uniquely designed and generated with rarer traits or rarer combinations of traits tend to command higher prices.

99 Total NFTs available

In step with the remarkable growth of the NFT market globally, owning and displaying a Jose Ape has become a status symbol

Usage rights included

The benefit is that when you own a Jose Ape, you own it in its entirety — including full commercial rights and the ability to monetize it.


Ping Pong King

Paint-ball King

Gym King

Soccer King

Baseball King

Poker King

Getting started

Set up your wallet

Once you’ve set up your wallet of choice, connect it to Joseapes by clicking the wallet icon in the top right corner


Buy your art

Browse through any arts f your choice and Bid for your collectibles which will be sent to your wallet address if you have the highest bid at the end


Sell Your NFT's

Choose between auctions, fixed-price listings, and declining-price listings. You choose where you want to sell your NFTs to.


JapeTown Collection

JapeTown 1052

JapeTown 995

JapeTown 1058

JapeTown 503

JapeTown 749

JapeTown 270

JapeTown 640

JapeTown 525


Looking for answers?

What is NFT art? NFT art is a digital asset that is collectable, unique, and non-transferrable, Cortes explained. Every NFT is unique in it's creative design and cannot be duplicated, making them limited and rare. NFTs get their value because the transaction proves ownership of the art.

Simply Browse through our Collections and pick anyone of your choice, connect your wallet and pay the price in eth

Gevorg the Owner, The Nft Artist, Victor the website developer